1 روان شناسی و مشاوره:: ازMinority Students میاد اقلیت
For the purpose of this chapter, theories of diversity will include theories that can provide insight into the lived experiences of minoritized groups and the impact of these lived experiences on the academic, behavioral, social, emotional, and mental well-being of minoritized students. Marginalization of Minoritized Students: A Primer In fact, minoritized students have been marginalized in school psychology through the use of theory. In their review of the evolution of multiculturalism in school psychology, Newell and Chavez-Korell (2017) explained how the theory of genetic inferiority dominated the psychological approaches to serving minoritized students in U.S. schools during the late 1800s to mid-1900s. Therefore, minoritized students were tested and sorted into special programs or excluded from school altogether (Johnson, 1962).
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